Do you ever think of setting up your own gym? Will you really use it -if you buy it? would that squat rack just be another expensive coat hanger? Or Will this hold you accountable for getting in your days workout and make excuses for exercising a thing in the past?
Raise of hands if you have put a side gym for the day and convinced your self you’d go for a quick walk instead and that’ll give you the same benefit? Just because the gym is a 15 min drive away? Guilty!
If you are feeling stuck between these ideas, you’ve come to the right place. This article is for you!
I believe that Fitness should be simple and practical. Nothing about waking up at 5am, heading to the gym and getting back in time for my 9-5 sounds simple or practical to me!
For years I would go to bed promising myself I would wake up 2 hours before I have to leave to work, Go to the gym at 6am. Reality check-I wake up at 8am and have to start work by 9. This is where I, personally I saw the benefit of purchasing a couple of dumbbells & weight plates.
“Training doesn’t have to take half an hour or an hour. Sometimes you have 10 or 15 minutes. It can be early in the morning or when you put dinner in the steamer and do a short workout,” Bollmann said.
Here are my reasons to why I now like to work out at Home and never renewed by Gym membership!
- Privacy
Having my own home gym means I can train in a space that is both private and comfortable. This means I can wear my bright yellow leggings with that green t-shirt I love and not feel like I’m being judged. I can focus and take my time with my techniques and get the ‘Am I doing this right?’ voice right out of my head.
So basically, this means, no distractions, no waiting for your machine and not being awkwardly snapped into someone’s fitness vlog. Score!

- Cost Efficiency
On average we spend about $780 on a gym membership each year. That’s around $65 a month! If you’re looking for an accredited personal trainer that’s another $65 on average for an hour. Let’s not even get started on the other costs like Transportation, Workout clothes and that smoothie you know can’t afford at the juice bar.
Let’s get graphical. Here’s what my spending would have looked like if I kept my Gym membership for the next 10 years Vs. setting up my home gym.

- Convenience
Having a home gym set up it’s not the end of the world is you miss out on your afternoon workout session because that zoom meeting which, (let’s be honest-could have been an email) was taking longer than planned. Or if I feel like I didn’t get much out of my first workout for the day I can always just walk right back and do another workout until I feel it burn. Be it holidays, late nights, ungodly early in the mornings — my garage gym is always open and waiting.

- Freedom
Is it just me or does anyone else during warm up cardio make a small prayer that no one takes that barbell with your weights on or that smith machine? I don’t also have to speed up my last set because there’s someone awkwardly hanging around waiting for the equipment. It’s a constant struggle. With a home gym you get to set up with all the equipment you need. Also, the places is completely mine! I can drop the weights, grunt on those heavy lifts, blast my music on or invite a friend over for a workout without having to sign form.

- Get everyone involved!
I hate working out on my own. I need a gym buddy and that is my way of getting motivated to head off to the gym. I have always worked out with my best friend and now it’s with my husband. Can you imagine how much we would be spending together on gym memberships (scrolls over to the graph and multiplies by 2) Working out together with you partner or sibling can become your favorite activity together. If you have kids they can come hang around, swing a few weights and get into fitness at a very early age.

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